Crypto tracker

Made by Jordi van der Lem

A Arduino project



The idea for creating a cryptotracker came from my study. While following the study, we got the assigment to make one of five projects. One of these was a crypto tracker. With all the buzz about crypto these days, I wanted to see what it was all about. I saw this as an opportunity and began the process of developing the crypto tracker


Embedded systems

Before this project, I knew nothing about how to make or code embedded systems. With a few tutorials and lessons I began programming and tried to get my embedded device to work with the sensors and all the outputs

In the Image you can see the embedded device that is connected with different input and output devices.



Electronics often needs a casing so it looks appealing to the user and it protects the electronics from potential damage. This is why I needed to make a casing for my device. I first made a kind of radio and asked people for feedback. Many people didn't like the idea and did not know the purpose of the design. I went back to the drawing board and came up with a new idea.

I wanted to create a piggy bank as casing for the new design. This design was much more fun to look at and people knew its purpose instantaneous, that it had something to do with money.



Now that I had a design and the electronics ready, it was time to be combine it into one single product.

In the image you can see the cryptotracker without the other half of the casing and you can also see that all the in- and output devices fit into the casing.


Final product

Here you can see the final crypto tracker product.

If the selected coin (ADA) value is increasing, the tracker will show green LEDs at the top "going in". When the selected coin value is decreasing. the crypto trcker will show red LEDs "going out" and away from the crypto tracker. These things will indicate if its a good time to buy or sell crypto without having to look at diagrams.